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RECENT lab News

New book co-authored by Tessa Hill & Eric Simons: Order your copy of At Every Depth today!

Geospatial Patterns and Species Impacts of Changing Ocean Chemistry - A Lenfest Ocean Program Webinar, featuring Tessa Hill and Esther Kennedy.

How California’s Climate Evolved Over A Geologic Timescale - SF Chronicle, Featuring Hannah Palmer and Tessa Hill

Seagrasses Turn Back the Clock on Ocean Acidification: Expansive study shows seagrass meadows can buffer ocean acidification

Ocean Acidification  

Hard Times for Hard Shells - AAAS

Unfold Podcast: Oceans Under a Changing Climate - Featuring Tessa Hill and Priya Shukla

As the Oceans Acidify, These Oyster Farmers are Fighting Back, with Tessa Hill

KCET Earth Focus Video: Abalone Restoration with Dan Swezey, Kristin Aquilino, Tessa Hill + colleagues

Can Shellfish Adapt to More Acidic Water?, featuring Terry Sawyer + Tessa Hill


Deep Sea Corals

Changing Seas: Cordell Bank, a National Treasure featuring Ph.D. candidate Carina Fish

Coastal Carbon Flux & Seagrass Meadows

Some seagrass work harder than others to slow climate change - an article written by Meghan Zulian, about work by Aurora Ricart

Optimism that seagrass can reduce carbon in seawater - features Melissa Ward, Aurora Ricart + colleagues

Challenges and Hope in the Changing Ocean, featuring Tessa Hill


Past climate change: Lessons for the future

Extensive morphological variability in asexually produced planktic foraminifera - a new study by Kate Davis, Cait Livsey, Hannah Palmer + colleagues

A protist mystery solved - written by Meghan Zulian, about work by Kate Davis, Cait Livsey, and Hannah Palmer

Tiny Shells Indicate Big Changes to the Ocean Carbon Cycle featuring Kate Davis, Emily Rivest + colleagues

What we learn from extinction - written by Priya Shukla, featuring Veronica Padilla Vriesman

Paleo2Policy workshop and student blog

Sea of Troubles, featuring Tessa Hill